Hi friends! 

I’m so excited to invite you to preview a portion of my new book: Waging War on Perfect: Battle Your Inner Critic and Win. Over the next 8 weeks, I’ll be publishing sections of the book on my website. If you’d like a free copy of the book, please sign up below and I’ll shoot one your way  (when I launch in February 2017.) I feel passionate about this book and believe it CAN make a huge difference in your life! 

~ Audrey 


Declaring War on Perfectionism 

“Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us.” Steven Pressfield

Have you ever quit a diet, a degree, or project – something that meant a lot to you?

Do you ever daydream about the vacations you thought you’d have by now?

Are you discouraged about the books you haven’t written, the songs you haven’t composed, or the business you haven’t started?

Do you compare your looks, your finances, your spouse, or your success to people on social media or in your community?

Is there a part of you that weighs and balances opportunities so long that your timeline or window closes?

Do you beat yourself up for shortcomings and mistakes even though other people compliment you on your work?

Have you taken on more work or committed to more hours because you need to prove your commitment?

Are you afraid to take a risk because you might look bad in front of your colleagues, friends, business partners, or family?

Do you occasionally dream about the person you’d like to be, the work you’d like to be doing, or the experiences you wish you were having?

If so, there’s a good chance you’re a perfectionist. Though, I may not know how your personal brand of perfectionism manifests itself, (it manifests differently for all of us) I can tell you this.

Perfectionism is the great archenemy of potential.

If you engage it – or heaven forbid, make friends with it – it will stunt your potential and limit your capacity.

You see – there is a gap between our two lives – between the life we live and the life we are capable of living. Alert, armed, and poised for battle, perfectionism stands in that gap. It calls out from the darkness – criticizing our parenting, our art, our message, our leadership, our value, and our worthiness. It questions our abilities, our talent, our relationships, and our resources.

That voice keeps you from being the best version of yourself. When you aren’t paying attention, it is belittling your passion, sabotaging your belief, and laying claim on your time and energy.

You must declare war. On the very thing that is sucking the energy and life, magic and joy, right out of you. That part of you that senses that there is more to life than this is absolutely right. You were created for more. If you believe in God (and I do,) then I encourage you to stop harboring the enemy. You were not created to live a less-than life. You were designed to seek a fuller and more meaningful expression of who you are. The life you sense you can live exists to draw you to it. God prepared you to live that life. He has resourced you to pursue your capacity.

I firmly believe that this book didn’t find its way into your hands by accident.

It’s time to pursue your potential. To chase your capacity with boldness. To be audacious and daring because you know in your heart that you’re just getting started.

You only get one life. Isn’t it time to live the best one you are capable of living?

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12 thoughts on “Why I’m Declaring War on Perfect

  1. This is something EVERY creativepreneur (and most humans) are forced to deal with daily. Thank you for writing on this important topic! I am looking forward to buying your book when it’s published!

    1. Thank you, Morgan! Keep an eye out for the next excerpt. Hope you enjoy — and thank you for your encouragement!

    1. Thanks Nathan! You have been such a huge part of my growth and inspiration. I appreciate you!

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